Posted 13, December 2020 - 0 min read
Byauthor-avatarDayana Deschamps

So, you know by now that sugar is bad for you. You feel the need to change everything that does not serve a purpose in your diet, you gather as much information as you can to start an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. But what happens next?

Whether you are a beginner or an expert in anti-inflammatory living, one thing remains clear, you need a great plan, a plan that actually works. There is nothing worse than starting a clean lifestyle and not knowing what to do. I had the same problem getting information and trying to adjust them to my lifestyle. I’m a busy natural health educator who works 6 days a week and spends the rest of the time running from one errand to another. My schedule can be hectic, so I made plans.

In this article, we will explore how to effortlessly shop for an anti-inflammatory sugar cleanse lifestyle.


Gone are the days when you would go to a shopping place and not know what to buy. Before you start you need to elaborate a simple plan. But before the plan you need to master your life, the struggle is real.

Before You Shop

It is very difficult to go shopping on workdays or when you have a lot of chores, having to work and do chores can get you exhausted and make your shopping experience a complete nightmare. Furthermore, you will rush things, making you even more tired.

So, my first recommendation is to create a schedule. Now, you are probably thinking that you can shop anytime and having a schedule doesn’t fit your lifestyle. But like any other job you have to create time. But how?

7 ways you can save time:

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Social media

Be less present on social media; social media can be overwhelming. It is estimated that the average individual in North America with access to a smart-phone spends at least 2 hours a day on social media. Unfortunately, this habit can make you less creative, leaving you with no time to prepare for other activities in life.

Spend less time stressing about things from the past

Most people tend to focus on daily stress and what happened in the past. This is one habit to kill as it stops you from being productive in the present.

Weekend shopping

Start your shopping trip on weekends or your day off if you have a full-time job. Unhealthy people tend to take a trip to their favorite store after work, making them want to buy comfort foods, especially if they don’t enjoy their job.

Less talking, more doing

If you have family or friends over, you can invite them to shop with you; of course, each will have to spend on their own stuff. It is fun to talk and shop for food as you would do for clothes. If you are not a shopper-talker, then enjoy it alone.

Online watch party or get together

If you have to spend a lot of time on social media, make it fun and productive; let time work for you. So, instead of getting caught in the day to day drama of others, you can create a secret group for anti-inflammatory living to share recipes and shopping ideas.

Make it simple

Some people are perfectionists who want to give the illusion of a perfect life. Stop this habit, it will force you to give up on eating healthy once you realize that perfection cannot be attained.

Finally, get a Food Journal

In one of my videos posted last week: “How to plan for a sugar cleanse: 5 Tips to helping you succeed”; I mentioned how important it is to plan and get a calendar. I also recommended a food journal, whether it is online or in print. What can a food journal help you with?

  • A journal keeps you on schedule.

  • It helps you track the high consumption of empty calories.

  • It can help you pinpoint any reaction after food such as


You can watch my video, “How to plan for a sugar cleanse: 5 Tips to helping you succeed”, to get great tips and information about food journals, saving time, and kitchen tools.

Make a plan: create a list.


Now that you are ready, let’s create the list. I honestly can shop off the top of my head and create awesome recipes without even looking at a cookbook. But it’s actually an acquired skill that most people can learn. Until then, if you are not comfortable doing so, I recommend you create an itemized list. You can either write it down or create it online. You can also download it for free by subscribing to my blog. That way you get full access to all I’m saying right now.

I absolutely provide one with the sugar cleanse but it’s best to find out what works for you and create your own. You can be inspired by many other authors who provide a meal plan and create from there, this is how I create mine.

Make a category:

The most important thing to do is to separate what you will need every month from what you will need every week or every two weeks. Depending on what you are buying and for how many people. Then, list all the items that you can buy in bulk and all the ones that you will have to buy regularly.

Weekly Items

  • Fruits

  • Veggies

  • Eggs

  • Also, if you are not lactose intolerant, goat or buffalo milk are absolutely on the weekly or bi-weekly items.

  • Sometimes fish and meat can be a part of the weekly or bi-weekly list if you don’t have a huge freezer.

Bulk/Monthly Items

  • Sprouted Grains (if you can have them)

  • Nuts

  • Seeds

  • Condiments, and so on. These items can be stored; with the help of recycled or glass containers.

Then, I finish by making subcategories.

Subcategories can help you remember what you need for a recipe; how much and/ or how many to buy weekly and monthly.

It doesn’t matter if you use:

  • cups,

  • lb or kg;

  • OZ or L.

  • Except for dry spices that are measured in spoons or teaspoons, a sprinkle or a dash. Always look for backups and use the measurement system that works for you.


  • Fruits and vegetables;

  • Root vegetables;

  • Sprouted and ancient grains;

  • Peas;

  • Nuts and seeds;

  • Egg, meat, and fish;

  • Oils;

  • Spice;

  • Nut butter;

  • Snacks, such as protein bars and coconut chips;

  • Baking items; and so on.

At this point, you have what you need. The last tip is to save this list and plan for later. I actually take a picture or save it on my phone, so I can access it anytime and don’t have to re-create it from scratch. You can add and/ or remove some items and so on. You can also draw some inspiration in my article, “How to Shop for an Anti-inflammatory Diet”.

Make time for your wellbeing before your grocery trip:

Reboot your life: Zen

I know it sounds very guru-like, but it is a healthy and simple habit. The first thing to do is to create a sacred space and dedicate it to your well being. I took the habit to personalize my workplace and my home. A sacred space can give you a time to be with yourself and by yourself without feeling anxious. In your mind, you should dedicate it to such purpose, so being in that place will make you feel at peace.

So, whether you live in a big flat, by yourself or with other people, you need a space to center yourself. It can be the backyard, the porch, the living room; if you live in a tiny apartment it can be the bedroom or even your bed. I am giving you all the options so you don’t fail this.

Let it flow

Kimberly, one of our bloggers, in her article “How to Incorporate Self-Care into Your Daily Life for Improved Mental Health” made some great recommendations about taking care of oneself while living healthy.

Once you become aware of your surroundings and become comfortable with yourself, then you are more in control of your emotions and let things flow in your life. Once the situation becomes stressful and you feel that you can’t handle it, take a step back and relax.

Get a feel-good app.

Technology is often depicted as bad, but it can be handy. Why not use it the right way and get everything we need from it. I came across a feel-good app when I went through my gut issues. Since then I started creating time for myself, and it became a habit. If it’s too much and you are new to being by yourself and meditating, a feel-good app can help you make healthy changes and create healthy habits. It becomes a reminder to take time for yourself. It’s like having a personal coach at your fingertip, I am a big fan. There are lots of options out there.

Final Thought

These tips are for your life, not just a sugar cleanse or an anti-inflammatory living. As you learn and proceed you can make personalized changes, and peace will come almost immediately after mastering it. Actually, a clean eating plan leaves you very little time to think about the past and worry about the future.

In my next article, we will be exploring how to save money on the sugar cleanse.

13, December 2020